Membership Coordinator Position
Fred Hill, our Membership Coordinator has asked to step down from that post. We are looking for a replacement for him. These duties take very little time, about an hour in a busy month. The biggest task is reconciling general mailings such as the raffle tickets to the mailing list. (The raffle tickets are mailed first class so they are returned if no one is at the address, the Seahorse is mailed at a lower postal rate and is not returned. If a general mailing item is returned that name is taken off the mailing list). The coordinator needs to have knowledge of, and have Microsoft Word and EXCEL available.
The following duties are included in the post;
Maintain membership records
Add new members to the master roster
Delete deceased members
Notify Seahorse editor of changes
Forward fees and contributions to the treasurer
Maintain mailing list
Make address corrections as needed
Monitor general mailing returns
Through various notifications, i.e. Taps, change of address, new members, revise the mail list and submit the latest version to the Print Shop prior to the SEAHORSE being mailed.
If you are interested please contact our President, Bob Sollom at 540-840-9310 or SOL136@MSN.com